Learning a Traditional Japanese Martial Art In a Fun and Welcoming Environment
By training kendo at the Twin Cities Kenyukai, you will learn what is interesting about martial arts, traditional Japanese etiquette, and the joy of exercising! Two guiding principles of Kenyukai are to have fun and to train correctly. We welcome adults and youths 10 and above. We could make exceptions to the youth minimum age if a kendo-experienced parent will also join our Kenyukai.
General Information
The required equipment is initially only shinai, whose cost depends on the size but is roughly $30. In stages, you will wear kendogi and hakama and then bogu (or armor). The time that it will take to reach the stage of wearing bogu will depend on your effort and physical abilities, but it is safe to think in terms of months. Once at that stage, you can purchase a new set of bogu, which will last many years. Our Kenyukai has some bogu sets, which are available for our members to use freely.
New members can join our group at the beginning of each month. Prospective students should contact the Kenyukai and arrange to watch at least one full practice session. The instructors are Katsumi Matsumoto (Renshi 6 Dan), David Chin (5 Dan) and Damien Vadillo (5 Dan).
剣道は日本の伝統的運動文化であり、日本では多くの人達に学ばれています.剣道を学習することで、武道の面白さと日本の伝統的な所作や礼法を学ぶとともに、体を動かす楽しさを経験することができます.この剣友会のモットーは、「楽しく、正しく」です.ツインシティーズ剣友会の会員対象者は、十歳以上の少年少女の他、その保護者や一般の大人の方です.新規に初心者が入会できるのは、毎月、月初めです.ご興味のある方はまず見学してください.指導者は、松本克美(錬士六段)、陳デビッド(五段)と ヴァディヨ デーミアン(五段)です.
Katsumi Matsumoto
Renshi 6 Dan
David Chin
5 Dan
Damien Vadillo
5 Dan